Our Story
Jen and Kelsey, co-owners of New Gild Jewelers, met in Minneapolis years ago when they were both working in the jewelry industry. They instinctively knew there was a better way of doing business. The dream was to create a place where fine jewelry could be handmade, combining the finest materials with imagination to create extraordinary custom jewelry pieces that were unique and precious to each individual. They knew luxury goods didn’t need to come from pretentious places, and they sought to create an approachable and beautiful environment that felt fresh and inviting.

Our ideals include creating a work environment that supports our staff with good wages, ethical working conditions, and true leadership. Known for obsessive craftsmanship, wild imagination, and exceptional customer service, New Gild Jewelers is the manifestation of that dream. Through the inclusion of their secret ingredient in everything they do — love — they’ve established themselves as the local jeweler everyone seeks to find.