I remember as a kid lying on my back on the grass watching the clouds roll by.  My imagination would go crazy creating all sorts of objects and animals coming to life in the clouds.  Depending on the breeze, it might take awhile for an image to appear to me.  I could “make” clouds look like all sorts of things in my mind.  As I grew older, of course, my time and mind was filled  with many new distractions.  School work and chores turned into job challenges and family responsibilities.  As a big multi-tasker, my mind was always moving.  It was focusing on how best to prepare for the day at work, making sure the kids schedule and lunches were ready, and resolving spats and disagreements among the kids. A busy mind does not allow for creative ideas.

Guess what!  Your mind needs to be quiet and still to get those ideas going.  You need to be in the zone like a kid with all the time in the world to let the juices flow.  This happens to me when my mind is wandering and not focused on anything in particular.  Not the TV, cooking, talking or most activities that fill our days.  As I close my eyes, I let my mind wander.  I may start with an image like a peony and then think about how to interpret the image into custom jewelry.  What is the design, the fabrication and coloring.  It is amazing how ideas just pop in and out and build upon one another.  No interruptions, no criticism, just fluid thoughts.  The hardest part of the jewelry design process is not losing a great idea.  


My best times for a quiet mind are right before falling asleep, lounging on the deck staring out into space, while taking a shower or taking long walks alone.  I really need to consciously take time to make this happen.  

Where and when is your quiet mind?

Peony photo by Jen Bellefleur; peony ring by Jewellery Theatre and photo by GIA

See the type of custom jewelry that can be created when learn to quiet your mind.
Visit or contact our jewelry studio, located in the Linden Hills neighborhood of Minneapolis, MN.